About Us

We are Francis and Ann.  We are avid hikers and wildlife enthusiasts living in the DC Metro area and exploring Maryland and beyond.

Francis is a Maryland native who grew up hunting, fishing and enjoying the outdoors.  He graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with a B.S. in Environmental Science - Wildlife Ecology & Management.  When isn't hiking, he enjoys hunting, fishing, scuba diving, and travelling.  Francis is passionate about reptiles and amphibians.

Ann grew up in Ohio loving the outdoors.  She also University of Maryland, College Park with a B.S. in Environmental Science - Wildlife Ecology & Management.  She has lived in various places across the country before moving to Maryland, including Washington and Virginia.  Aside from hiking, she enjoys gardening, reading, cooking, and travelling.

Last summer we spent a fair amount of time hiking.  Trying to find new places to go proved to be a bit of a challenge.  After searching so called hiking and or trail websites for park and trail information, in many instances, we found ourselves on trails that were not properly marked, maintained, or not accurately described.  This lead to hikes where we were desperately in need of a machete or walks on paved trails with stroller moms.

We are mostly day hikers so you'll find hiking reports for places where you can complete a hike in under eight hours and have you back home before dinner.  We do like extended adventures so you'll see weekend destination hikes as well.

In this blog, we hope to provide other hikers with this kind of information.  We also want to highlight special and interesting features including geology, wildlife, and other interesting bits we come across.

Each trail we hope to evaluate based on the following elements using a 1-5 star rating.  One star means poor or low and five stars means excellent or high.

Human Traffic
Terrain Variety
Dog Friendliness

We hope you enjoy reading about our adventures and hope to inspire you to get out there and explore many of these wonderful places.

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